CCI is one of the leading telephone and on-line based research fielding companies in the nation.

For the past 22 years Customer Contact Incorporated has been able to provide a high level of production. After starting off as one location, CCI grew to having multiple locations both inside and outside of Pittsburgh. CCI 1 is currently located in the South Side area of Pittsburgh and CCI2/3 is located in Washington Pa. Both locations have also been recently renovated and are experiencing a period of steady growth.

Through our nationwide client base, monitors change, both on local and national levels.  Annual surveys in over 120 markets and 130,000+ interviews profile the shopping, demographic, communications, sociodynamic and lifestyle characteristics of selected product/service categories on a market-specific basis throughout the United States.

CCI uses computerized questionnaire programming in each of the 83 telephone interviewing stations.

Results are available through our own customized cross-tabulation Software which enables endless analysis, and may produce graphing and presentation-ready reports.  This is the most simplistic yet comprehensive system available to manipulate qualitative data.

CCI believes that accuracy and reliability are the two most essential elements of any market survey.  To ensure that our clients receive the most accurate and detailed market information CCI adheres to the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) code of standards for survey research.